Take one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The removal of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Steve Winwood's "Split Decision" would become "Spit Decision"
Thanks to Philip Eno for the inspiration on this one!
Entries Beginning with U, Page 1
"U Can't Touch His," MC Hammer originally
"U Can't Touch This" mandylee
"U Can't Ouch This," MC Hammer originally
"U Can't Touch This" Hammer's advertising for pain reliever?
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
"U Got It Ad," Usher originally
"U Got It Bad" Usher showing his fondness for advertising?
"U Make Me Anna," Usher originally
"U Make Me Wanna" Geez, transforms him into another person!?
Alison Runyon
Which one - spades, clubs, hearts, or diamonds?
"Uncertain Mile," The The originally
"Uncertain Smile" BB Krak
"Under A Killing Moo," Thrice originally
"Under A Killing Moon" A song about a murderous cow?
Okay which wise guy painted the cow violet?
That's not a very good place to be
Alanis Morrisette in blades
"Under The Street Lap," The Exits originally
"Under The Street Lamp" Alyssa Jayne
"Under Your Sell Again," Johnny Rivers originally
"Under Your Spell Again" Peter
"Under Our Spell Again," Johnny Rivers originally
"Under Your Spell Again" Candy Welty
"Under Our Thumb," The Vaccines originally
"Under Your Thumb" Regina Olsen
A real word, meaning do [something] insufficiently
Alison Runyon
"Underneath The Tars," Mariah Carey originally
"Underneath The Stars" Carey salutes all the road crews?
"Underneath Our Clothes," Shakira originally
"Underneath Your Clothes" Candy Welty
"Underneath Your Cloths," Shakira originally
"Underneath Your Clothes" Karen Smith
"Understand Your Ma," Johnny Cash originally
"Understand Your Man" Rapunzel Gladstone
"Understand Our Man," Johnny Cash originally
"Understand Your Man" Rapunzel Gladstone
"Unfaithfully Yours (On Love)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Polly Cannon
"Unfaithfully Ours (One Love)," Stephen Bishop originally
"Unfaithfully Yours (One Love)" Yvette Bristle
"Union Of The Sake," Duran Duran originally
"Union Of The Snake" Sake pronounced 'SAH-kee'; a Japanese beverage.
"United Stats Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Stats, as in short for statistics
Megan Tereon
"Unite States Of Whatever," Liam Lynch originally
"United States Of Whatever" Courtney Mears
"Universal Solder," Donovan originally
"Universal Soldier" Jessica Bielzebub
"Unnatural Election," Muse originally
"Unnatural Selection" Happens every two and four years...
"Until It Seeps," Metallica originally
"Until it Sleeps" Whats Seeping? Crap.
"Until It Seeps," Metallica originally
"Until It Sleeps" Peter
"Until The End Of The Word," U2 originally
"Until The End Of The World" What a long time to wait!
Roy R. Pryor
Wish my bathroom were tiled? A simple plan? lol
Courtney (about as bad as tennis elbow)
"Up Down (Do His All Day)," T-Pain Featuring B.o.B. originally "Up Down (Do This All Day)"
Candy Welty
"Up From The Rave He Arose," Traditional originally
"Up From The Grave He Arose" Making our Rave much more holier!
"Up From The Skis," Jimi Hendrix originally
"Up From The Skies" Hayley Spalding
"Up The Adder To The Roof," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Candy Welty
"Up The Ladder To The Roo," The Supremes originally
"Up The Ladder To The Roof" Roo, as in short for kangaroo
Naomi Swanson
"Uptight (Everything's Alight)," Stevie Wonder originally
"Uptight (Everything's Alright)" oldiefan
"Upton," Drake originally
"Uptown" Alicia Sturdivant
Like if Kate Upton ever got into funk music
Karen Smith
Is Kate Upton ever known for being funky?
Francesca Burleson
As in Kate Upton, perhaps?
Carlito Syrichta
"Useless Tuff," Cracker originally
"Useless Stuff" Tuff = a type of volcanic rock
Samantha Wayland
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