This page is a list of all the songs that mention brand name products in them. Nothing more annyoing than getting a commercial pitch in the middle of a song. Seriousily, I hope the performers who do this at least get free stuff out of it.
Here's a couple of the most recent entries...
B. J. Thomas', "Two Car Garage"
The Lyrics: Give me a two-toned Chevrolet
Product Brand Name: Chevrolet
Submitted by: Not the Same Bob
Aaron Watson's, "Wrangler Butts"
The Lyrics: And it may sound crazy, but those Wrangler butts drive the cowgirls nuts.
Product Brand Name: Referring to Wrangler brand denim jeans.
Submitted by: Edward
There are 1227 entries in this section. Check out the most recent entries or search for other performers.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Meat. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.
Cody Finke | 137 |
RevengeFromMars YouTube | 115 |
Tania WYEP | 93 |
Bob | 54 |
Mickey D. (site rank #35) | 48 |
Edward (site rank #8) | 40 |
Tarzan | 33 |
crazydon (site rank #48) | 26 |
FussBudget | 25 |
Alex | 23 |
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